Sunday, 9 June 2013

NLC Delights

I was actually contemplating about not going out last night, since I had been out every night this past week and thought I could do with the rest but I decided around sunset that I'd just drive up to Clabby Mountain and sit in the car to see what happens. Well, was I glad I did that...

The display is with out a doubt the best seen so far - this will be said a lot I think, over the coming weeks - and one of my favorite displays of all that I've observed over the last 10 years.
The intensity, speed and scale of how things were changing was that fast that I could actually see motion in real time with just my naked eyes.

It was about 23:40 when I stated to notice a thin streak of silvery light on the NNE horizon and extending out in a SE direction. It was so faint I couldn't be sure at the time but a few minutes later it was becoming more prominent so I got the camera set up and took my first picture and was greeted with this:

After seeing this on the camera screen I got very excited and sent a few text alerts to a fellow friend and club member. It was only about two minutes later when I saw another silvery streak appearing straight north so I got out of the car to take another shot and the camera showed what was to come:

I again went back to the car - the reason for this is because the midges were bad and biting me quite a bit now so it was my only way to escape the torture - and waited about five minutes until it got a little darker and took a series of images:

I got back in the car again and waited another 10 minutes or so before getting out and taking more shots. My session went on like this until I finished just about 00:30 when I felt too tired to stay out any longer and went home. I've no doubt this display carried on until sunrise and I wouldn't be surprised to find out it got better.
I'll just add the rest of the images below in sequence.

So, another fabulous night burned into my memory. I'll try again tonight and who knows, it could be another belter of a show.

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