Tuesday, 8 November 2011

5th/6th November 2011 - Report

What seems like forever I am out again and on a proper clear night. Sure the night was a little spoiled with a fairly bright moon but that was going to set close to 3 am and I recently aquired a new SPC900N colour camera so I was egar to get imaging and get my first snap of Jupiter in true colour, so in an usual twist for me I started my session with imaging.

The night overall was fantastic and one of my best of the year with, without a doubt, my best observation of the year. Seeing and Trans was excellent when I arrived but got better and better as the night went on and once the moon finally set below the horizon the skies turned into an amazing sight with a strong presence of the Milky Way from horizon, zenith to horizon again. It was one of those nights you really hoped for and there wasn't a drop of dew on any of the equipment.

Equipment = Skywatcher 14", SPC900N and laptop

Location = Bragan

Seeing =3/4
Trans = 3/4

Start = 21:37

Moon = I completed a series of AVIs along the terminator to hopefully create a mosaic. The exposure setting weren't very good so the images were a little over exposed and I missed out a few areas of the terminator. The mosaic is below but I am far from happy with it.

Jupiter = The great seeing providing some stunning views of all the bands and zones, along with a great view of the GRS and a wonderful transit and shadow transit of Io. I also recorded several AVIs with and with out a barlow but only one of the AVIs turned out ot be useful. The problem I discovered is that when out observing out eyes were dark adapted so the image on the laptop screen looked perfect but it was, in fact, badly under exposed so Registax wasn't able to do much with them but the good result I got can be seen below. I've also added my image with the 3x Barlow but it is heavily photoshoped to cover up some of the terrible quality but Io can be easily seen near the GRS. I'm sure the next time I use the camera my results will be much better from the lessons learned on my first run through.

M67  = A lovely wide open and delicate looking cluster.

M50 = A pretty view of an overlooked object. Well worth the effort.

NGC 2392 = A striking green hue and lovely details through all of the nebula. The eskimo shape and details were clearly apparent.

NGC 6543 = A very nice view of a nebula that usually looks bland. The centeral star was clearly seen with strong structure and beautiful faint loop like strands.

M46 = Truly lovely with the PN jumping out at you, with it's wonderful ring like look and shape.

M47 = A decent view

M1 = This was actually very good later on in the night but detail was as elusvie as always.

M79 = A rare sight and delightfully detailed for its low position.

The Horsehead and Flame nebula = I couldn't believe it at first, I spent the first 15 minutes of my observing time with this in disbelieve. Checking and rechecking my star maps. Looking at photos in my magazine to check the stars to those in my eyepeices and I even use my GOTO and input the IC number and the scope never moved and beeped to say that the object was in view.
I've spent the last 10 years looking for this and never had any luck. The Flame nebula was surprisingly easy to see and the nebula containing the horses head had a mysitc ghostly appearence. At first the horses head was elusive but patience and averted vision revealed the spectical and I could feel tears building up in my eyes to the sheer beauty and amazing fact that I saw it in my very own telescope.
I never thought I would see this in anything less than 20 inches and unflitered.
With out a doubt the best observation of the year for me and also one of my best of all time. This moment has become perminantly burned into my memory and every time I close my eyes I can see that marvelous view.

NGC 891 = A beauitful crisp view with splended detail. A rare treat.

Finish = 04:05

Not many objects viewed on this session but a lot of time had been spent on Jupiter becuase of the fantastic details and the stunning Io transit and also my personal time soaking up every detail I could see of the Flame and Horsehead.
I certainly hope this won't be the last night out before the year ends. If the winter nights are going to be this good I will endure any temperature.

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